Tag Archives: mister

It’s official – Being Human gets fifth series after shock finish, teases new plot

The BBC’s supernatural drama, Being Human, has been officially renewed for a fifth series after what was, to say the least, an interesting final episode last night. If you haven’t seen it then you won’t want to read any further as it will spoil the ending. If you have seen it, or if you don’t mind spoilers, read on….

Will Annie be back making her cups of tea in series five?

As expected Annies door finally appeared after her unexpected act of heroism in which she saved the world from the old ones, wrapping up the Eve situation in a shocking and unexpected act of self sacrifice that saw Annie being responsible for the baby meeting a very violent end, something that will no doubt divide some fans but which was definitely a brave and unexpected move, and one that opens the door for a new enemy to emerge in series five – as teased yesterday on the official Being Human blog with an interesting new photo.

Posting a picture of the cryptic phrase “he will rise” written on a scrap of vampire parchment it’s the BBC’s nod towards the plot of series five, but just what does it mean? It’s written on what appears to be the same material as the war child prophecy so the first thought would be that it refers to a vampire, that Mister Snow will somehow rise from the dead (it happened with vampire Herrick in series three so it is possible).

But is it really mister Snow?

Eagle eyed fans may have noticed the presence of a young girl (possibly an old one) being taken out of the building before the explosion. It could well be that she has something to do with the person who “will rise”, she was certainly important in some way given that she was being protected from harm.

Could it be the mysterious mister Rook? Perhaps but then he isn’t meant to be nasty, after all he never harmed any of those who saw Tom transform, and if the mystery figure hinted at is indeed the new bad guy Mister Rook would seem an unlikely choice although it is clear he will play a key role in it.

Will Hal and Alex be more than friends in series five, as Mitchell and Annie were in series three?

Whatever secrets series five holds there will of course need to be an explanation as to just how vampires such as Hal still exist given that Eve is dead, but it’s probable that the answer will be tied in with the new mystery character and that with Annie gone Alex will take over as the shows resident ghost.

But fans of Annie needn’t be downhearted as she may well return, when telling her that she couldn’t go back Eve added that all important line “but then you were never one for following the rules”, hinting that she will indeed be brewing her tea in Barry again sometime in the future.

Will the new series continue with the trips between future present and past or will it return to form with a formidable new enemy for what is effectively “being human – the next generation” to confront?

Time, of course, will tell but the final episodes have shown that there’s still life in the show and it’s good to see that, as fans hoped, the BBC still have faith in it.

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