Tag Archives: power

iPhone to copy Galaxy S2? – Korean media say yes, meanwhile new iPad is hot topic

According to an un named industry source quoted in a South Korean newspaper today the next iPhone is to have a 4.6 inch retina screen.

The iPhone

Apples biggest Android rival, Samsung, use this exact size in their Galaxy S2 smartphone and while it makes sense to use a bigger screen it’s something that the late Steve Jobs refused to do, and something that could cause a back lash from some iPhone fans used to the smaller screen it has had since its first release back in 2007.

According to Reuters Apple are already placing orders for the new 4.6 inch screens but Reuters say this is again based on a Korean report and with no named sources it’s simply rumour. The iPhone could get a larger screen, in fact if it doesn’t I would say it’s going to be causing problems for itself as many new phones use larger screens and people are finding that larger screens can be a good thing, but whether Apple would jump to the exact size of their nearest rivals flagship product is something I doubt not least because it would garner yet more accusations of copying (after they allegedly “borrowed” Androids notification bar for iOS 5) and the current iPhone apps would look awful on a much larger screen.

On the plus side though it would allow the use of larger more powerful processors and gpu’s, the smaller form factor currently used restricting the iPhone a little, but again there is a downside and that is battery life which would suffer. Will the new iPhone really have a 4.65 inch screen?

Unlikely, but a four inch screen is a more probable option and one which would be easier for die hard fans of the traditional iPhone form to accept, although once Apple do release a large screen iPhone you can be sure that those fans who currently criticise larger screens will be the first to extol their virtues.

Meanwhile after a noticeable lack of queues for the new iPads (most people bought them online this time round) a mini debate has begun over the popular tablet.

The new iPad

The new iPad has a 70% more powerful battery but, conversely, uses 150% more power than before thanks primarily to its new screen and as a result a large number of users have complained about the fact that it gets uncomfortably warm. US consumer site “consumer reports” found that in their tests it reached a temperature of 116 degrees Fahrenheit when plugged in and 113 degrees when unplugged and this has led to a number of technology sites (and even some newspapers) claiming it’s a big problem.

While not a fan of Apple I think personally that people buying the new iPad should cut Apple a little slack. The screen is a lot better than before and with such a high resolution (and of course with an excellent quad core gpu) it was never going to have the same battery life as its predecessor did.

It’s not uncommon for phones, tablets etcetera to heat up when charging, in general the more powerful a device is the more heat it will generate which is why laptops will always be physically warmer than tablets for example. The truth is that yes it gets warm, but those who aren’t out to scare potential buyers or simply bash Apple at every opportunity freely admit its warm – but not hot. It will not burn you, it will not cook your hands or legs or help you fry eggs on a camping trip should you forget your stove…it may get warm after a while but that is all.

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